VOLUME 7, Issue 1
Special Issue: The Ethics of Mass State Surveillance
Guest Editors: Peter Königs
Peter Königs
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Ethics of State Mass Surveillance
Kevin Macnish
Mass Surveillance: A Private Affair?
Leonhard Menges
Did the NSA und GCHQ Diminish Our Privacy? What the Control Account Should Say
Patrick Taylor Smith
A Neo-Republican Theory of Just State Surveillance
Titus Stahl
Privacy in Public: A Democratic Defense
Frej Klem Thomsen
The Ethics of Police Body-Worn Cameras
Adam Henschke
Privacy, the Internet of Things and State Surveillance: Handling Personal Information within an Inhuman System
Hanno Sauer
Economic Exceptionalism? Justice and the Liberal Conception of Rights
Christoph Hanisch
Telic Priority: Prioritarianism's Impersonal Value
VOLUME 6, Issue 2
Special Issue: Towards Foolproof Democracy: Improving Public Debate and
Political Decision-Making
Guest Editors: David Lanius and Ioannis Votsis
David Lanius and Ioannis Votsis
Introduction to the Special Issue: Towards Foolproof Democracy: Improving Public Debate and Political Decision-Making
Frodo Podschwadek
Inoculation against Populism: Media Competence Education and Political Autonomy
Kirsten J. Worden
Disengagement in the Digital Age: A Virtue Ethical Approach to Epistemic Sorting on Social Media
Wulf Loh
The Gamification of Political Participation
Suzanne Andrea Bloks
Are Referendums and Parliamentary Elections Reconcilable? The Implications of Three Voting Paradoxes
Dominic Lenzi
Deliberating about Climate Change: The Case for ‘Thinking and Nudging’
Fiona McEvoy
Political Machines: Ethical Governance in the Age of AI
Renan Silva
The Two-Dimensional Analysis of Feasibility: A Restatement
VOLUME 6, Issue 1
Special Issue: Demandingness in Practice
Guest Editors: Marcel van Ackeren and Simon Derpmann
Marcel van Ackeren and Simon Derpmann
Introduction to the Special Issue on Demandingness in Practice [OPEN ACCESS]
Matthew H. Kramer
The Demandingness of Deontological Duties: Is the Absolute Impermissibility of Placatory Torture Irrational? [OPEN ACCESS]
Anna Hartford
How Much Should a Person Know? Moral Inquiry & Demandingness
Alberto Giubilini and Julian Savulescu
Demandingness and Public Health Ethics [OPEN ACCESS]
Kian Mintz-Woo
Principled Utility Discounting Under Risk [OPEN ACCESS]
Brian Berkey
Collective Obligations and Demandingness Complaints
Luke Maring
Which Boders?
Rudolf Schuessler
Sufficientarianism and the Measurement of Inequality
Matthias Brinkmann
Indirect Instrumentalism about Political Legitimacy
VOLUME 5, Issue 2
Special Issue: Normative Aspects of International Trade Institutions
Guest Editor: Valentin Beck
Valentin Beck
Introduction to the Special Issue on Normative Aspects of International Trade Institutions [OPEN ACCESS]
Christian Neuhäuser
Being Realistic about International Trade Justice
Johannes Kniess
Must We Protect Foreign Investors?
Tadhg Ó Laoighaire
Making Offers They Can't Refuse: Consensus and Domination in the WTO
Lisa Herzog
Global Trade with an Epistemic Upgrade [OPEN ACCESS]
Jonathan William Kuyper
Democratic Legitimacy Beyond the State: Politicization, Representation, and a Systemic Framework
Billy Christmas
Rescuing the Libertarian Non-Aggression Principle
Adam D. Moore
Privacy, Interests, and Inalienable Rights
VOLUME 5, Issue 1
Special Issue: Philip Pettit's The Robust Demands of the Good
Guest Editors: N. P. Adams and Susanne Burri
N. P. Adams and Susanne Burri
Introduction to the Special Issue on Philip Pettit's The Robust Demands of the Good
Benjamin Ferguson
The Value of Robustness: Promotion or Protection?
Dorothea Gädeke
The Robust Demands of the Right
Federica Gregoratto
The Robust Demands of Oppression: Problematizing Pettit's Account of Attachments
Isaac Taylor
Robust Harms
Sven Nyholm
Pettit on Love and Its Value: A Critical Assessment
Philip Pettit
Defending The Robust Demands of the Good [OPEN ACCESS]
Michael D. Weinmann
Arendt and the Legitimate Expectation for Hospitality and Membership Today
Andrew Lister
The Difference Principle, Capitalism, and Property-Owning Democracy
VOLUME 4, Issue 2
Special Issue: Legitimate Expectations
Guest Editors: Lukas H. Meyer, Thomas Pölzer and Pranay Sanklecha
Lukas H. Meyer, Thomas Pölzer and Pranay Sanklecha
Introduction to the Special Issue on Legitimate Expectations
Fergus Green
Legitimate Expectations, Legal Transitions, and Wide Reflective Equilibrium
Timothy Waligore
Legitimate Expectations, Historical Injustice, and Perverse Incentives for Settlers
Margaret Moore
Legitimate Expectations and Land [OPEN ACCESS]
Stefan Arnold
Legitimate Expectations in the Realm of Law – Mutual Recognition, Justice as a Virtue and the Legitimacy of Expectations
Anne-France Colla
Elements for a General Theory of Legitimate Expectations
Matt Matravers
Legitimate Expectations in Theory, Practice, and Punishment
Ben Davies
Paternalism and Evaluative Shift
VOLUME 4, Issue 1
SYMPOSIUM: Autonomy and the Morality of Freedom
Agnieszka Kochanowicz
John Christman
Anti-Perfectionism and Autonomy in an Imperfect World: Comments on Joseph Raz’s The Morality of Freedom 30 Years On [OPEN ACCESS]
Natalie Stoljar
Relational Autonomy and Perfectionism [OPEN ACCESS]
Chris Mills
How Should Liberal Perfectionists Justify the State?
Gauthier-Chung, Maud Faïle
Hounded Women: The IPV Protocol and the Autonomy of Abuse Victims
DISCUSSION on Jason Brennan's Why not Capitalism
Stephen Hood
Is Capitalist Utopia Noncompetitive? Jason Brennan’s Why Not Capitalism?
Jason Brennan
On Competition in Utopian Capitalism
Stephen Hood
Reply to Brennan
David G. Dick
Transformable Goods and the Limits of What Money Can Buy
Gajevic Sayegh, Alexandre
A Case of Non-Ideal Guidance: Tackling Tax Competition [OPEN ACCESS]
VOLUME 3, Issue 2
SPECIAL ISSUE: The Ethics of Immigration in a Non-Ideal World
Guest Editors: Jan Brezger, Andreas Cassee, and Anna Goppel
Jan Brezger, Andreas Cassee, and Anna Goppel
The Ethics of Immigration in a Non-Ideal World: Introduction [OPEN ACCESS]
David Owen
Refugees, Fairness and Taking up the Slack: On Justice and the International Refugee Regime [OPEN ACCESS]
Javier S. Hidalgo
The Duty to Disobey Immigration Law [OPEN ACCESS]
Linda Bosniak
Wrong, Rights and Regularization
Julian F. Müller
Advancing Justice by Appealing to Self-Interest: The Case for Charter Cities
Henning Hahn
The Right to Exclude, Human Rights, and Political Facts
Oliviero Angeli
Freedom of Movement and Emigration Pressures: A Defence of Immigration Fees
Zoltan Miklosi
Immigration and the Democratic Stability Argument
VOLUME 3, Issue 1
SYMPOSIUM on Brain Drain
Guest Editor: Eszter Kollár
Eszter Kollar
Symposium on Brain Drain: The Merits and Limits of Furthering Normative Solutions in Source Countries [OPEN ACCESS]
Gillian Brock
Debating Brain Drain: An Overview [OPEN ACCESS]
Michael Blake
Debating Brain Drain: An Overview [OPEN ACCESS]
Lea Ypi
Sharing the Burdens of the Brain Drain
Darrel Moellendorf
Can a Liberal State Make Access to Medical Education Conditional on Public Service?
David Owen
Compulsory Public Service and the Right to Exit
Merten Reglitz
Medical Brain Drain: Free-Riding, Exploitation, and Global Justice
Daniel Edward Callies
Brain Drain, Contracts, and Moral Obligation
Gillian Brock
Solving Problems Associated with the Brain Drain: Fair Contracts, Legitimate States, and Appropriate Policy Measures
Michael Blake
On Money, God, and Dogmatic Liberalism: A Reply to my Critics
Kerah Gordon-Solmen
Luck, Love, and Extreme Skiiing: Distributive Injustice Without Unfairness
VOLUME 2, Issue 2
SYMPOSIUM on Discrimination
Guest Editor: Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen
Discrimination: An Intriguing but Underexplored Issue in Ethics and Political Philosophy [OPEN ACCESS]
Ryan Cook
Discrimination Revised: Reviewing the Relationship between Social Groups, Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact [OPEN ACCESS]
Raino Malnes
Discrimination: Classification and Moral Assessment
Xiafoei Lu
"No Fats, Femmes or Asians" [OPEN ACCESS]
Oscar Horta
Does Discrimination Require Disadvantage?
Frej Klem Thomsen
Stealing Bread and Sleeping Beneath Bridges: Indirect Discrimination as Disadvantageous Equal Treatment [OPEN ACCESS]
SYMPOSIUM on the Limits of Markets
Editor: Mark Peacock
Mark Peacock
Symposium on Limits of Markets: Introduction
David Sherman
Ethics and the Reach of Actually Existing Capitalist Markets
Jason Brennan/Peter Jaworski
In Defense of Commodification
VOLUME 2, Issue 1
SPECIAL ISSUE: Intergenerational Justice and Natural Resources
Editors: Lukas Meyer, Pranay Sanklecha, and Alexa Zellentin
Lukas Meyer, Pranay Sanklecha, and Alexa Zellentin
Symposium: Intergenerational Justice and Natural Resources: Introduction [OPEN ACCESS]
Henry Shue
Historical Responsibility, Harm Prohibition, and Preservation Requirement: Core Practical Convergence on Climate Change [OPEN ACCESS]
Eric Brandstedt
The Circumstances of Intergenerational Justice
Diane Williamson
What Can I Hope about the Earth’s Future Climate? Affective Resources for Overcoming Intergenerational Distance, Kantian and Otherwise
Frank Dietrich and Joachim Wündisch
Territory Lost – Climate Change and the Violation of Self-determination Rights [OPEN ACCESS]
Dan Dennis
Property Rights, Future Generations and the Destruction and Degradation of Natural Resources
Douglas Bamford
The Holistic and Policy-Focused Interpretation of Hypothetical Insurance
Nils Holtug
Welfare Luck Egalitarianism and Expensive Tastes
The 2014 Volume is available free of charge at de Gruyter, more information here.
VOLUME 1, Issue 2
Special Issue: Fair Trade
Editor: David Miller
David Miller
Symposium on Fair Trade: Introduction [OPEN ACCESS]
Aaron James
A Theory of Fairness in Trade [OPEN ACCESS]
Mathias Risse & Gabriel Wollner
Three Images of Trage: On the Place of Trade in a Theory of Global Justice [OPEN ACCESS]
Clara Brandi
On the Fairness of Multilateral Trading Systems [OPEN ACCESS]
Andrew Walton
Do Moral Duties Arise from Global Trade? [OPEN ACCESS]
Sonja Dänzer
Unfair Trade, Exploitation and Below-Subsistence Wages
Sylvie Loriaux & Alexia Herwig
International Trade, Fairness, and Labour Migration
VOLUME 1, Issue 1
SPECIAL ISSUE: Global Tax Justice
Editors: Gillian Brock and Thomas Pogge
Gillian Brock and Thomas Pogge
Global Tax Justice and Global Justice [OPEN ACCESS]
Zorka Milin
Global Tax Justice and the Resource Curse: What Do Corporations Owe?
Miriam Ronzoni
Global Tax Governance: The Bullets Internationalists Must Bite – And Those They Must Not [OPEN ACCESS]
Peter Dietsch & Thomas Rixen
Redistribution, Globalisation, and Multi-level Governance [OPEN ACCESS]
Shmuel Nili
Global Taxation, Global Reform, and Collective Action
Marcus Schulzke
Developing a National Foundation for Global Taxation
Douglas Bamford
Realising International Justice: To Constrain or to Counter-Incentivise?
Ana Tanasoca
Double Taxation, Multiple Citizenship, and Global Inequality [OPEN ACCESS]